Role of fishes in development of the animal
production for meeting the effects
resultant from birflue
Abstract: SUMMARY Fish considered being one of the main sources of cheap animal protein. The protein content is about 20% of its fresh weight. It is importance increased after the outbreak of avian flu. Egyptian fish production area is about 13.9 million feddan with average production of 62.6 kg / feddan. Fish farms area is about 1.6 % of total fish production area with estimated average production of 2-4 tones /feddan in 2005 .Local fish production increased at an increasing rate of 46.1 thousand tones during the study period. Also results indicated the existence of a statistically significant relationship between number of fishermen and fish production. Reduction of the number of fishermen by 1% resulted in decreasing fish production by 0.56% the time trend equation indicated statistically significant annual increase in their quantity available for consumption by 52.6 thousand tones. The most important variables affecting fish consumption were the prices of substitutes especially chicken and red meats. Statistically analysis revealed that significant relationship between fish quantity available for consumption and per-capita consumption. An increase in quantity of fish available for consumption by 1% would increase per-capita consumption 1.2% the average fish imports were about6.4 thousand tones while the average exports were 2 thousand tons per year. Therefore fish sector in Egypt has to be developing through a strategy starting by the producers and ending by the consumer with emphasis on lakes and aquaculture to increase production The use of modem technique in fishing transportation storing and marketing .Also emphasis on fish diseases and on pollution and using aquaculture opportunities available at the red sea and focusing on marine aquaculture.
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Availability location |
معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعى - 7 ش نادي الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة
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Author(s) from ARC |
External authors (outside ARC) |
د. صابر مصطفى محمد
المعهد القومى لعلوم البحار والمصايد بالاسكندرية
د. جمال السيد عزازى
المعمل المركزى لبحوث الاسماك
Agris Categories |
Fisheries and aquaculture - General aspectsFisheries production
Fish culture.
Fish diseases.
Fish farms.
Publication Type |
Researsh & Applied Activities