Further studies on haemorrhagic viral disease in rabbits in Egypt

Abstract: Sixty one suspected RVHD outbreaks were monitored and diagnosed preliminary in Egypt. The preliminary diagnosis was based on flock history, clinical examination, PM examination, histopathological examination, HAT and virus isolation. RHDV diagnosis was confirmed by carrying out of,SDS-PAGE,Western blotting, RT/PCR assay and IEM. SDS-PAGE and western blotting demonstrated the presence of a major antigen of molecular weight of 50 to 55 KDa approximately. RHDV isolates were tested by RT-PCR using specific primers of three genomic regions encoding the capsid protein (VP60) (regions A and B) and none structural protein (region C), giving positive results, Amplification of VP60 region B from 3 RHDV Egyptian strains, EgyptGiza97, EgyptK2000 and EgyptKalubia 2000, yielded PCR products of 500bp.After sequencing of these products, the sequences were submitted to GenBank with accession numbers EF488823, EF488824 and EF437942 respectively. Amplification of VP60 region A of EgyptKS2000 yielded PCR product of 500bp too. After sequencing of this product, the sequence was submitted to GenBank with accession number EF222287. The obtained nucleotide and amino acid sequence data were compared with that of refernce strains of 17 published on GenBank EHDV sequences, one RCV strain and one EBHSV, RHDV Egyptian strains EgyptGiza97 and EgyptKalubia2000 were genetically and antigenically related and grouped with one genogroup, while RHDV Egyptian strain EgyptKS2000 was genetically differnt and sgregated into different genogroup but antigenically related on the level of VP60 region B. RHDV Egyptian strain EgyptKS2000 was genetically grouped to group 1 , so it is genetically related genetically to the other 2 Egypt strains, while this strain is antigenically different. The pathogenecity of most recently isolated RHDV codeno. R58 (GIZA2006 of HA titer 214 HAU) was carried out using susceptible rabbits. An inactivated vaccine against RVHD was prepared from the most recent local isolate (Giza2006) which identiifed through HAT, IEM and LD50.Comaparative study between the local reecnt inactivated RHDV vaccine and the imported one was carried out. The local vaccine proved to be more immunogenic and protective than the imported one
Publication year 2007
Availability location ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية -القاهرة
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الطب البيطري- جامعة القاهرة
Volume 1 . 1
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أ.د/ ضياء الدين جاد احمد خليفة
    أ. د/ محمد عبد السلام شكل
    د.سلوى انور الأصيلي
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Haemorrhagic septicaemia virus. Rabbits.
Publication Type PhD Thesis