factors Related to innovativenesss and Educational Outcomes Of Preparatory Schoolsw in Kafr ElSheikh Governorate

Abstract: The current study seeks to maintain( achieve) the following objectives:
1-To recognize the levels of innovativeness in rural preparatory schools in Kafr El Sheikh governorate.
2-To recognize the levels of educational outcomes in rural prep-schools in Kafr El-Sheikh.
3-To Explore correlations between independent variables and both:
*The innovativeness in rural prep- schools in Kafr El Sheikh.
*Educational outcomes of rural prep schools in Kafr El Sheikh.
4-To identify the variables that make more contributions to explaining variance in:A-The innovativeness of rural prep-schools in Kafr El-Sheikh.
B-educational outcomes of rural prep schools in Kafr El Sheikh.
The Area of research has been identified to encompass all prep- schools in Kafr El Sheikh —the study made the rural prep school a unit of study where the sample size amounted to 195 schools that were randomly chosen
Data was collected through a questionnaire that involved individual interviews with the principals of rural prep-schools. For the purpose of data analysis the standard deviation, the mean, the range, the percentages and replications were used to describe research variables.
The study has dealt with the topic of innovativeness as a multi dimensional concept which consists of four dimensions:
1-The innovativeness of administration(management).
2-The innovativeness of school.
3-The innovativeness of technology.
4-Program innovativeness.
The study also dealt with educational outcomes as a multi-dimensional concept that consists of three dimensions:
1-the number of students who succeeded in the third grade.
2-The number of excellent pupils in the third grade.
3-Positive behavioral goals for pupils.
The research hypotheses that need to be validated in light of theoretical framework and reference presentation have been formulated. These hypotheses amounted to 27 hypotheses which suppose the presence of a relationship between each sub-dimension of innovativeness and educational outcomes and sets of independent variables.
The most important analytical results of the study are as follows:
1-Variables of the amount human resources, the students' free activities, the school presidency and entertainment relationships can make significant and distinctive contributions in the explorAtion of variance in the dimension of number of pupils who made success in their schooling as one dimension of measuring educational outcomes, since these variables could explain the percentage of 40,3 % of variance in this dimension.
2-Variables of human resources amount, the students' free activities, the school precedency, the high spirits, job satisfaction of the principals and the involvement of pupils in making decisions can all significantly explain variance in the dimension of the number of excellent pupils as one dimension of educational outcome measurements , since they expfain the percentage of 36,8% of the total variance in this dimension.
3-Variables of the two-directional communication, school innovativeness, the relationship of the goal with the outside communication make significant contributions in explaining the variance in the variable of behavioral goal as one dimension of measuring educational outcomes as they explain the percentage of 22,6% of total variance in this dimension.
The current study presented a number of recommendations that were discussed.
Publication year 2009
Pages 1-385
Availability location Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institutes library
Availability number 726
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة -جامعة كفر الشيخ
Place: كفر الشيخ
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Educational reforms.
Publication Type PhD Thesis