impact of sugar beet technology transfer program on farmer’s knowledge at el-hamol district kafr el- sheikh governorate

Abstract: The main objective of this study was to identify the Impact of sugar beet technology transfer program on Farmer's knowledge at El- Hamol district, Kafr El —Sheikh Governorate.
Study data were collected from a random sample of (106) respondent as experimental sample and (103) respondent as control sample by using personal interview questionnaire.
Frequencies, percentage, arithmetic mean, simple and multiple correlation coefficients, standard deviation, partial and standard partial regression coefficients, and "T" test for comparing two means were used to analyze study data.
knowledge educational impact of the technology transfer program of
sugar beet crop:
The results indicated that 50% and nearly 38% from tow study samples experimental and control were come in moderate knowledge with extension recommendation of sugar beet crop.
To determine the significant differences between mean of the degree of knowledge of tow study samples with extension recommendation of the sugar beet crop, results cleared that the calculated value of (T) was 3.916 and it was significant at the level of 0.001 of significant, this results refers clearly to a significant between mean of the degree of knowledge of tow
study samples.
Publication year 2009
Pages 1-118
Availability location Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institutes library
Availability number 730
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Technology transfer.
Proposed Agrovoc farmer knowledge;
Publication Type Master Thesis