Studies on improving quality of low fat Ras cheese
Abstract: Low fat foods including milk and milk products have an important role for consumers having healthy problems or nutrition disorders; on the other hand removal or reducing fat levels adversely affect the flavor and texture of low fat dairy products. Ras cheese is the most famous and favorable hard cheese in Egypt, so this study was designed to improve the quality of low fat Ras cheese. The study included the effect of using partial homogenization, 0.3% emulsifiers and 0.1 % emulsifying salts on the chemical, microbiological properties and sensory attributes of low fat Ras cheese. In addition to the effect of using 1 % of probiotic bacteria (L. gasseri, L. johnsonii) with yoghurt culture either in a single or mixed culture in addition to the effect of using 0.5% of kefir or 1 % of aroma cultures on the quality of low fat Ras cheese. Results indicated that using partial homogenized milk, 1 % of probiotic bacteria with yoghurt culture or 0.5% of kefir culture improved flavor and texture (sensory attributes), and increased the contents of S.N. /T.N. and T.V.F.F.A. of low fat Ras cheese. Results also showed that cheese made from a combination of partial homogenization, probiotic bacteria or kefir culture gained higher scores of sensory evaluation and the counts of probiotic bacteria were in accordance with the recommended counts to get the healthy beneficial effect compared to control cheeses. Key words: low fat Ras cheese, partial homogenization, probiotic bacteria, aroma starter culture.
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مكتبة معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number |
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Author(s) from ARC |
Flavour compounds.
Hard cheese.
Low fat foods.
Milk products.
Proposed Agrovoc |
Ras cheese;low fat ras cheese;partial homogenization;porbiotic bacteria;aroma starter culture;
Publication Type |
Master Thesis