دراسات كيميائية حيوية على الأكريلاميد فى الأغذية المصرية

Abstract: The toxic acrylamide was determined in some traditionally commercial, and homemade Egyptian foods and mother milk. Some additives were used during preparation of home fried potatoes. Fried onions and eggplants contained very high amounts of acrylamide. Olive leaves prevented formation of acrylamide in home fried potatoes. Mother milk contained 482 µg/1000ml acrylamide.Arginine, lysine or valine was administrated into rats without or with acrylamide daily for 35 consecutive days as antidotes. Two groups of rats were administrated acrylamide and vehicle (control). Acrylamide decreased the initial weight of rats, serum and brain contents of total proteins, albumin and glutathione in addition to lactate dehydrogenase activity, while malonaldehyde content, glutathione-S-transferase, superoxide dismutase and lysosomal enzymes activities (Acid phosphatase, N-acetyl-β-glucosamidinase and β-galactosidase) were increased. Histopathological studies showed also a great damage in brain by acrylamide. Arginine ameliorated the harmful effects of acrylamide to great extent followed by lysine to lesser extent.
Key words: Acrylamide, arginine, lysine ,valine ,biochemical analysis, histopathological analysis.
Publication year 2009
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: the new egyption jornal of medecine
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    دكتور / ابتسام عبد المنعم أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية- كلية الزراعة- جامعة القاهرة
    دكتور /سمير عبد المنعم اسماعيل أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية- كلية الزراعة- جامعة القاهرة
Publication Type PhD Thesis