Some variables related to the degree of benefit of small Enterprises 'owners
funded by the Social Fund For Development' in some villages of Shark
Abstract: The main objectives of this study were to identify the personal, social and economic characteristics of the Owners of Small Projects (oSPs) funded by the Social Development Fund (SDF), to investigate the degree of OSps' total social and economic benefits of these Enterprises and to recognize the relationships between these degrees and each of the following independent variables, and to identify the problems encounter them of villages studied To achieve these objectives, field study was conducted in Sharkia Governorate , has reached the study sample of 143 respondents comprehensive study, data were collected against using personal questionnaire with a young entrepreneur who works in the field of animal production. And use software statistic package (SPSS) to analyze data as it used arithmetic means and frequencies and percentages, and Pearson Simple correlation coefficient, and chi-square The most important results of the study could be summarized as follows: less than half of the respondents by 45.5 % of the total respondents fall in the age group of young people (23 - less than 38 years old) an age group most active in the work and production, and that nearly half of respondents, 42 percent live in families small size (2-5 individuals), that more than half of the respondents are married they have accounted for 62.2 %, the tribe is more than three -quarters of the respondents 87.4 % who did not receive training in the field of small projects, and also turned out to be 39% the number of respondents have a small volume of the number of children educated sons and fall in the category (2 Born - or less ), and that less than five of them increased by 16.1 % degree of benefit from the small college is high and they tall in the category (52-66), and nearly than half of the respondents 48.9 % overall benefit of small medium enterprises ( 37-51) and also about a third of whom 35% (22-36) The total benefit of small projects is low. The results showed that there is a significant correlation between the degree of making full use of the small Enterprises owners and between each of the independent variables related to: the acquisition of agricultural land, and income from the project, and the project's capital, the value of the loan from the Fund, and the duration of the project, the degree of exposure to sources public information, the degree of exposure to sources of information about the project, the degree of satisfaction with the project. And inversely with the age of the respondent, except for variables such as income from the original work and the degree of urban communication, where it was not significant The relationship also was significant with variables in discrete following: the number of children school age, and number of children educated children, and the existing management of the project small , and get training in small Enterprises, and participate in development projects other village, and Formal social participation and Informal social participation, in while the relationship was not significant with the educational status, marital status, household size, and type of work, ownership of the project, 'the ability pay, the case of the continuation of the project, the project type labor That set the organizational and administrative problems came in the first rank among the group : problems facing small enterprises Followed in order of funding problems and costs, then Iabor, marketing, and operating requirements, and finally the problem of skills and experience.
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معهد بحوث الارشاد الزراعى والتنمية الريفية
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قسم الاجتماع الريفى والارشاد الزراعى
كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة
Author(s) from ARC |
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PhD Thesis