An Adoption of Unsafe Practices by Vegetables and Fruits
Growers in some Rural Areas of Menufiya Governorate
Abstract: This study aimed basically at identifying the level of adoption of unsafe practices by vegetables and fruits growers in some rural areas of Menufiya governorate, This main objective was achieved . theoretically and empirically through the following sub-objectives: - Identifying the .knowledge level of unsafe practices by vegetables and fruits growers. - Identifying the application degree of unsafe practices by vegetables and fruits growers. . -Determining the correlates of the unsafe practices knowledge level. - Determining the correlates of the unsafe practices application degree. - Identifying the reasons of applying the unsafe practices by vegetables and fruits growers. The study. was carried. out in two villages in Menufiya governorate, the first village was Sahel El gawaber and. the second village was Kafer El swalmya of El shohadaa district.
Publication year |
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معهد الارشاد الزراعى والتنمية الريفية
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Organization Name |
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Publisher |
قسم الارشاد الزراعى والمجتمع الريفي
كلية الزراعية - جامعة المنوفية
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Publication Type |
Master Thesis