Improvement of polyvalent Clostridial vacecine

Abstract: Clostridia diseases have been a concern of sheep and cattle producer for many years and the conational locally produced polyvalent Clostridial vaccine is used only six toxoid mixture protect animals against Cl. perferingenes type B&D ,Cl. chauvoei ,Cl. septicum,Cl.novyi type B,C and Cl. tetani only
But Cl. perferingens type A has recorded as a cause of entrotoximia and sudden So adding Cl. perferingens type A has great role for controlling entrotoximia and sudden death in sheep & cattle caused by it.
Publication year 2011
Pages 39 -46
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title المجلة الطبية البيطرية كلية الطب البيطرى جامعة القاهرة
Volume 59 . 3
External authors (outside ARC)
    د/ياسر احمد عبد الله
    ا.د/ علاء عبد الفتاح محمد
    د- مجدى مصطفي السحيمى
    د-عبد المنعم سيد حسين
Publication Type Journal