Effect of Planting Date and Plant Density on Growth and Yield of Brussels sprouts
Abstract: This study was conducted in order to investigate the impact of planting dates and plant density on growth and yield of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) in field of EL-Bossily Site, El-Behara Governorate, during the two successive seasons of 2002-2003 and 2003-2004. A split plot experiment was designed with five planting dates as main level and three planting densities as sub-main. Seeds of Royal Marvel F1 were sown in the nursery on five sowing dates at 20 days interval starting from July 25th and seedlings were transplanted in the field after 40 days for each sowing date starting from Sep. 5th in both seasons. The three planting densities were 4.44 (High), 2.67 (Medium) and 1.9 plant/m2 (Low). The results showed that the early three planting dates resulted in longer stalks, higher number of leaves, higher number of sprouts per plant, larger sprout size, higher sprout weight and a higher high-quality yield compared to the latest two planting dates. Plant density, however, showed no significant effect on the yield of sprout diameter >30mm, but the low planting density increased the sprout size. Concerning the interaction, planting on Oct. 5th with the high density gave the highest marketable yield of 3.4 and 3.2 kg/m2 in the two seasons, respectively, while the low density and latest planting date (Nov. 15th) gave the lowest yield of 1.46 and 1.49 kg/m2 in both seasons, respectively.
Publication year |
Availability location |
المعمل المركزى للمناخ الزراعى
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Author(s) from ARC |
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محمود عبد الله مدنى
معهد بحوث البساتين
مجدى منير وديد
المعمل المركزى للمناخ(متوفى)
Agris Categories |
Plant physiology - Growth and development
Publication Type |
Researsh & Applied Activities