Efface of Plant Density and Climatic Conditions on Some Chinese cabbage Cultivars
Abstract: Two experiments were conducted to find out the effect of 2cultivars, 3 densities and 7 planting dates on the growth and yield of Chinese cabbage in the field of EL-Bossaily Protected Cultivation Unit, EL-Bahaira Governorate, Egypt in 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 seasons. The cultivars Chinese Express and Tropical Delight were each raised from 7 sowing dates (5, 20 July; 5, 20 August; 5, 20 September and 5 October) and planted in the field on 10, 25 August; 10, 25 September; 10, 25 October and 15 November, respectively. Three different planting densities were compared for each cultivar, which were 20000 (70×30 cm2), 15000 (70×40 cm2) and 12000 (70×50 cm2) plants/Feddan. Plant population had a significant effect on marketable yield. Head weight decreased as plant population increased. The most suitable density for this crop was 20000 plants/Feddan. This density led to increase the marketable yield and decrease the percentage of unmarketable heads. The influence of the planting date on yield was mainly related to the duration of the growing period. However, under the condition of our experiments September 10th, 25th and October 10th and 25th were the most appropriate dates for planting Chinese cabbage. Planting in these dates increased the length, width, weight and yield and gave rise to minimum values of total defects.. There was a significant interaction between variety, plant density and planting date. The most satisfactory result was observed on China Express at spacing of 70×30 cm2 and planting date of September 25th which gave the highest marketable yield, while the lowest value was obtained on Tropical Delight spaced at 70×50 cm2 and planted in November 15th.
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Researsh & Applied Activities