Effect of Leaf-Tying and Shading on Heads Quality and Yield of Summer Chinese Cabbage
Abstract: Two field experiments were carried out in El-Bossaily Protected Cultivations Unit, El-Behaire Governorate, Egypt in 2002 and 2003 seasons to study the response of some Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris var. pekinensis) cultivars, i.e. China Queen, China Express and Tropical Delight to leaf-tying and shading as comparmed to the control (unshaded) in summer season. Data showed that leaf-tying significantly increased the head weight of both "China Queen and China Express" cultivars, but had a great positive effect on the heat-tolerant "Topical Delight". Yield increases were due to higher heading rate (number of plants with heads) and the development of heavier heads. Polyethylene net black covers had a positive effect on yield of all cultivars as compared to the unshaded (control). Vitamin C, total caroteniods and total sugars were increased due to leaf-tying and shading in all cultivars. An opposite trend was recorded for chlorophyll content as the lowest resulted from shaded head and the highest from the unshaded plants in the three cultivars. On the other hand, leaf-tying treatment increased total chlorophyll than the control heads in all cultivars. INTRODUCTION
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المعمل المركزى للمناخ الزراعى
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Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Agricultural research
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Researsh & Applied Activities