Devlopment of New Strategy for Non Antibiotic Therapy Dromedary Camel Lactoferrin Has a potent Antimicr obial and Immunomodulator Effects

Abstract: The human and bovine Iacteferrin have been Studied extensively, but very few reports have been published concerning comel lactoferrin ( clf ) .The present Study aimed to isolate cLF and evaluate its efficiency including antimicrobial activ ity and immunomodulator effects. cLfisolation was attempted from camel milk whey using a cation exchange chroma tography by Sp-SepharOSe The anitimicrobial activity of the isolated clf
Publication year 2013
Pages 231-237
Availability location المجلة
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    علاء اسماعيل
Agris Categories Animal physiology and biochemistry
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities