Effect of foliar nutrition feeding on growth and yield of seed cotton .

Abstract: The effect of two foliar feading products namely vita-fort and Miller (nutri-leaf) on growth and yield of the Egyptian cotton "Cultivar Giza 75 was evaluated. The foliar feeding treatments were; control, foliar feeding at budding stage or at beginning of flowering stage and at both stages for Vita-Fort by the rate of 1 g / L for each spraying, while it was at budding and beginning of flowering stage for Miller (nutri-leaf) by the rate of 2.5 kg / fed. for each spraying. Results revealed that foliar feeding had little effects on final plant height and number of open bolls / plant, while it increased number of fruiting branches / plant and boll weight which in turn increase yield / plant and yield / fed. Lint percentage was slightly affected while seed index increased in favour for foliar feeding. The higest yield / unit area was obtained with foliar application of Vita-Fort at budding stage.
Publication year 1995
Pages 1973-1979
Organization Name
City المنصورة
serial title J. Agric. Res. Sci. Mansoura Univ.
Department Cotton Agronomy Research
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عفت عبدالحميد عثمان مكارم معهد بحوث القطن
Agris Categories Plant genetics and breeding
Proposed Agrovoc Cotton Agronomy;cotton physiology;
Publication Type Journal