Divergent response of Egyptian cotton grades to slack mercerization with different Alkali metal hydroxides .

Abstract: The two Egyptian cotton varieties Giza 76 (extra-long staple) and Dandara (long staple) were used as a material in the present study. Mercerization with KOH increased both fiber tenacity at 1 / 8 inch gauge length (T1) and fiber elongation the most, while it decreased fiber tenacity at zero gauge length (T0) the least and also induced the lowest improvement in strength uniformity. By contrast, NaOH treatment showed the least increase in both T1 and elongation, while it gave the most decrease in T0 and the highest improvement in strength uniformity.
Publication year 1989
Pages 141-159
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Annals of Agric . Sci , Fac . Agric . Ain shams Univ
Department Cotton Grading Research
Author(s) from ARC
Proposed Agrovoc cotton technology;
Publication Type Journal