Alteration of the mechanical properties of mercerized cotton yarns in Accordance with the condition of treatment and the concentration of mercerizing solution

Abstract: The material chosen to be used in the present study, included the Egyptian extra-long staple variety Giza 70 and the long staple variety Giza 75. Samples representing the two concerned varieties, were spun into 60 count yarns using the 3.6 twist factor. The yarns were mercerized slack as well under tension, where they were stretched before mercerization, to 103% of their original length. The concentrations of sodium hydroxide solution, with which the mercerization process was accomplished, were 10%, 20% and 30% by weight. The data obtained, indicated that slack mercerization brought about a slight increase in yarn tenacity, an extremely large increase in both yarn elongation at break and yarn toughness, while it caused a marked decrease in yarn stiffness. The magnitudes of the foregoing alterations in yarn mechanical properties due to slack mercerization, were almost similar in both cotton varieties considered in the study. On the contrary, mercerization with tension induced noticeable gain in yarn tenacity, a pronounced increment in yarn stiffness and a moderate decrease in both yarn elongation and toughness.
Publication year 1989
Pages 125 - 140
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Annab Agric . Sci Fac . Agric . Ain shams Univ
Department Cotton Spinning Research
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عبد الحميد نجم الصباغ معهد بحوث القطن
Proposed Agrovoc cotton technology;
Publication Type Journal