Stability parameters for lint yield and some of its components of a set Egyptian cotton cultivars.

Abstract: Four measures of phenotypic stability (regression coefficients, sums of squared deviation from regression, coefficient of determination and covalence for lint yield, boll weight and lint percentage) of eight Egyptian cotton cultivars, Gossypium barbadense L., were estimated under different environmental conditions (6 locations in 3 consecutive years, 1993, 1994 and 1995). Results showed that, the average lint yield ranged from 5.22 K / F (El-Gharbia, 1994) to 13.83 K / F (Assiut, 1993) to 12.15 K / F (El-Fayoum, 1993) at Upper Egypt region. The average of Delta region for boll weight and lint percentage were significantly higher than those of Upper Egypt region. A highly significant cultivar X environment interaction was found for all studied characters. A large portion of this interaction was due to the linear regression on the environmental means. Based on data all over environmental means of Giza 85 cultivar, the high yielding genetic potential and the recorded wide adaptability support the evidence that this cultivar may be recommended to be included in any breeding program for improving lint yield and lint percentage.
Publication year 1996
Pages 2023-2031
Availability location معهد بحوث القطن
Availability number
Organization Name
City المنصورة
serial title J. Agric. Mansoura univ.
Department Regional Evaluation Research
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    على السيد أيوب معهد بحوث القطن
Agris Categories Plant genetics and breeding
Proposed Agrovoc Cotton breeding;cotton x environment. interact;
Publication Type Journal