Evaluation of damage to lint and seed of the Egyptian cotton varieties caused by the cotton bollworms.

Abstract: This is a comparative study between the common mandarin in Egypt "Balady" against "Dancy". Dancy" mandarin is considered a highly productive variety. "Dancy" produced the highest values in total acidity, on the other hand. TSS / acid ratio increase as the fruit maturity increased. "Dancy" mandarin in Egypt is considered a late variety compared to "Balady". The highest values of vitamin C or juice content per fruit were obtained from "Dancy" mandarin. Seeds were nlltilcroi1s in "Balady", while it was medium in "Dancy". "Dancy" mandarin produced the highest fruit weight, volume and width. "Dancy" mandarin reached the full colored stage than did "Balady" mandarin, also "Dancy" were darker than in "Balady" mandarin. "Balady" mandarin produced the highest peel thickness. No differences were found in fruit juice, (TSS %), fruit length, peel weight of volume in the two varieties.
Publication year 1990
Pages 623-634
Organization Name
City طنطا
serial title J. Agric. Res. Tanta univ
Department Regional Evaluation Research
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد محمد طبل
    محمد محمود كحله معهد بحوث وقاية النبات
Agris Categories Plant genetics and breeding
Publication Type Journal