Effect of some planting patterns on growth and yield of cotton .

Abstract: The present study was carried out to investigate the effect 5%and 10% dried mixtures, from (dill, goadid and series), (carrot, dates kernels and raisin), (cumin, turmeric and thyme), ( Chicory, rosemary and turmeric) and (flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and date kernel) on daily food intake, body weight gain, feed efficiency ratio, weight gain ratio, organs to body weight, serum glucose and lipids, liver and kidney function of diabetic rate. A total of 72 male rats (120-+5g body weight) were used in this study, Rats were divided into two main groups, the first group (1) was used as control (-ve ) group (6 rats) and fed on the basal diet only, the second group (2) (66 rats) was injected with 150mg / kg B. W. alloxan to induce hyperglycemia in rats and then divided into (11) subgroup, one of these group was used as control (+ve) group received basal diet only, the other ten subgroups fed on basal diet containing 5% or 10% of one of the formulated plant mixtures.
Publication year 1991
Pages 575-583
Organization Name
City طنطا
serial title J. Agric. Res. Tanta univ
Department Cotton Agronomy Research
External authors (outside ARC)
    سعد محمد الجاهل معهد بحوث القطن
Agris Categories Plant genetics and breeding
Publication Type Journal