Response of cotton Giza 83 to some micronutrients as affected by time of application or nitrogen levels.

Abstract: Foliar spraying of Zn or Fe and also, time of application at thinning or at the beginning of flowering were more effective than the other treatments i.e. spraying with water and application at beginning of boll opening on number of fruiting branches / plant, open bolls, boll weight and seed cotton yield per both plant and feddan. Number of plants / fed at harvest was not significantly affected by foliar spraying time of application and their interaction while, the seed cotton yield / fed. and the other yield components were significantly affected by foliar spray time of application interaction. The highest yield was obtained from spraying Zn at flowering time. Applying 80kg N / fed. significantly increased number of open bolls / plant and seed cotton yield per both plant and feddan while number of fruiting branches / plant, boll weight and number of plants / fed. at harvest were not significantly affected by nitrogen levels. Foliar spraying significantly increased number of fruiting branches / plant, boll weight and seed cotton per both plant and feddan while, number of both open bolls and plant / fed. at harvest were not significantly affected by foliar spray. Nitrogen levels-foliar spray interaction significantly affected these characters except number of plants / fed. at harvest. The highest yield was obtained from control treatment (spraying with water) and cotton plants were fertilized with 80 kg N / fed.
Publication year 1991
Pages 351-366
Organization Name
serial title Assiut J. Agri. Sci.
Department Cotton Agronomy Research
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    سمير اسيليدس
    عبدالرؤف عبدالقادر
Agris Categories Plant physiology - Growth and development
Publication Type Journal