Mohamed EL-Menshawi Amer
Affiliation (Cotton Research Institute (CRI
Department Cotton Physiology Research
Research station Field Crops Research Stations
Station name
Research Field Plant Science and Production(Crops Physiology)
Scientific Progress
Emeritus Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [07/05/2010]
Senior Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [29/01/2004]
Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [17/10/1998]
Assistant Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [21/09/1995]
Research Assistant in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [07/05/1978]
Specialist in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [04/08/1974]
- Response of late sowing cotton cultivar Giza 88 to times of potassium application under different levels of nitrogen. (2001)