Ibrahim Ahmed Helal
Affiliation (Cotton Research Institute (CRI
Department Cotton Maintenance Research
Research station Field Crops Research Stations
Station name
Research Field Plant Science and Production(Agronomy )
Professional progress
Dept. Manager in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [21/10/2000]
Scientific Progress
Emeritus Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [04/04/2006]
Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [27/06/1996]
Senior Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [12/08/1990]
Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [05/07/1986]
Assistant Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [28/06/1981]
Specialist in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [31/12/1968]
- The brown seed cotton – locks in the variety ‘Giza 70 and their relation to depress in yield and quality (1990)
- Cotton vanetal response to three mixtures of insecticides / IGTS. 1-Germination and seed quality . (1990)
- Cotton varietal response to three mixtures of insecticides I.G.I. yield, yield components and cotton leaf worm infestation . (1990)
- Cotton cultivar response to shortening the growing season and removing the tipes of cotton plants . (1989)
- Cotton varietal response to three mixtures of insecticides I.G.I.sII.Germination and seed quality. (1990)
Master Thesis:
- تأثير بعض المعاملات الزراعية على أصناف القطن المصري (1978)
PhD Thesis:
- تأثير الكثافة النباتية ومعدلات التسميد الآزوتي والفوسفوري والبوتاسي على نمو وانتاج صنف القطن متوسط التيلة بمنطقة طشقند (1986)