Mohammed Shams Mekky
Affiliation |
Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL)
Department |
Weed control in field crops Department
Research Field |
Plant Protection(Weed Control in Fields Crops)
Agrovoc |
Biochemical reactions
Weed control equipment
Crop losses
Field experimentation
Prizes or Award |
E-mail address |,
Work Telephones |
Fax |
Professional progress
Dept. Manager in
Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL)
Director in
Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL)
Scientific Progress
Chief Researcher in
Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL)
Senior Researcher in
Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL)
Researcher in
Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL)
Assistant Researcher in
Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL)
Study Impact of Integration Between Cover Crop and Weed Control Treatments onWeeds and Improved Sugarcane Productivety (2018)
المكافحة المتكاملة للحشائش (2011)
Seed harbarium of som common weeds in Egypt (2010)
Wheat And Barley Tolerance And Three Common Grassy Weed Susceptibility To Clodinafop- Propargyl (Topik) (2010)
تحليل المخاطر المصاحبة لبذور الحشائش ودرجة تلوث الحبوب المستورده بها (2010)
Allelopathic effects of blue gum (Eucalyptus globules), sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), wormwood (Artemisia annua) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) extracts on seeds germination and seedling development of some weed species. (2008)
Effect of weed control methods on weeds, growth and yield of some maize (Zea mays L) cultivars. (2008)
Yield loss due to weed interference and economic evaluation for weed control methods in faba bean and chickpea crops (2008)
Assessment of allelopathic potential of artemisia annua on germination (2008)
Effect of mechanical tillage system, wheat varieties and weed control treatments on weeds and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity (2007)
The effect of seed bed preparation, intercropping and weed control treatments on sunflower productivity and associated weeds (2007)
Effect of tillage systems sequence and some weed control treatments on some field crops (2007)
Economic and environment evaluation for the methods of weeds controlling on wheat crop. (2005)
Three approaches for estimation critical period in onion crop . (2005)
Effect of
sowing dates, varieties and glyphosate application on broomrape
(Orobanche crenata Forsk ) and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L.). (2003)
comparative study of weed control by covering crop, herbicide and hand hoeing in maize ( (Zea mays L.), Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) productivity and associated weeds. (2003)
Effect of sowing dates, varieties and glyphosate application on broomrape
(orobanche crenata forsk ) and yield of faba bean (vicia faba l).
Effect of weed control treatments on weeds, growth, chlorophylls, crude protein in maize (Zea mays)
protein and yield of maize (Zea mays L.)
A comparative study on some post – emergence herbicides for the control of broomrape in faba bean fields (2002)
Effect of some weed control treatments on sugar cane yield (Saccharum officinarum L.) and the associated weeds (2002)
Effect of irrigation
frequency and glyphosate (Round up) application on broomrape
control and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L.).
Effect of weed control treatments on weeds, growth, chlorophylls, crude
protein and yield of maize (zea mays l.).
A comparative study on some post – emergence herbicides for the control of broomrape in faba bean fields. (2002)
) Effect of some weed control treatments on sugar cane yield (Saccharum officinarum L.) and the associated weeds (2002)
Effect of irrigation
frequency and glyphosate (Round up) application on broomrape
control and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
Control of broad – leaved weeds in maize
(Zea mays L.
Evaluation the activity of some weed control treatments on weeds and transplanted Onion (Allium cepa, L.) yield and its marketability
Evaluation the activity of some weed control treatments on weeds
and transplanted onion (allium cepa, l.) yield and its marketability.
مفاتيح تعريف وتقسيم الحشائش المنتشرة بالمحاصيل الحقلية والبستانية والخضر تحت الظروف المصرية (2015)
مفاتيح تعريف بذور الحشائش في المستوردات النباتية (2015)
أدارة الحشائش في النظم الزراعية المصرية بحثا وتطبيقا (2013)
Various methods for determination critical period of weed competition with sugar beet (2012)
تقرير تقييم أداء المعمل الفرعي لبحوث الحشائش 2009 (2009)
Assessment of allelopathic potential of artemisia annua on germination
Of Wheat, Maize, And Some Associated Weed Species
Technical Report:
تقرير تقييم أداء المعمل الفرعي لبحوث الحشائش 2009 (2009)
Book / Book Chapter:
Manual for identifying forgeen seeds of imported plant materials (2015)
إدارة الحشائش بالنظم الزراعية المصرية المختلفة (2013)
Seed herbarium of some common weeds in Egypt (2012)
وصف وتعريف الحشائش ومكافحتها (2012)
ًWeed identification and its control (2011)
الحشائش المنتشرة في محصول القمح والطرق المختلفة للتغلب عليها. (2012)
Researsh & Applied Activities:
تعريف الحشائش (لتدريب الوفد الليبي) (2013)
Extension Documents :
المكافحة المتكاملة للحشائش 2010 (2010)