Hassan Farag Dahi
Affiliation Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI)
Department Cotton Leaf worm
Research Field Plant Protection(Entomology )
E-mail address hassandahi2YAHOO.COM
URL www.pprieg.com
Work Telephones 027486163
Scientific Progress
Researcher in Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI) [03/05/2003]
Assistant Researcher in Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI) [27/07/1997]
Research Assistant in Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI) [31/10/1992]
- Evaluation of Several Programs of Sequences Pesticides Application on Cotton Bollworms and Some Other Sucking Pests in Cotton Field (2007)
- Using heat accumulation ano sex pheromone catches to predicate the american Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera hub. field generations (2007)
- Effects of irradiation on plant growth and some pests incidence in: cotton and kidney beans (2007)
- Biological activity of certain soil fertilizers and inorganic salts against cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) (2007)
- Field efficiency of the novel biocide spinosad singular, mixed with different groups of insecticides and compared with other biocide in sequence experiment on cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) (2006)
- Threshold temperatures and thermal requirements of the lesser cotton leafworm Spodoptera Exigua Hb. (2006)
- The efficacy of some biopesticide and their mixtures with the plant extract of nerium oleander against helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in ismalia governorate (2005)
- The efficacy of some biopesticide and their mixtures with the plant extract of Nerium oleander against Helicoverpa armigera (hubner) in ismalia governorate (2005)
- Seasonal fluctuations of natural enemies associated with Bemisia tabaci (GENN.) and Aphis gossypii glover in cotton fields at Minia Governorate (2005)
- تطور دودة ورق القطن المصرية على البيئة الصناعية وعلاقتها بالوحدات الحرارية المتراكمة (2005)
- Effect of temperature degrees on the life cycle of Steatoda paykulliana (Walckenaer, 1805) Araneida: Theridiidae (2005)
- Effect of some compounds [Flufenoxuron (IGR), Bioneem (botanical extract) and Nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV)] against the infestation rates by Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) on (2004)
- Studies on biological control using the spideranelosimus oulicus theridiidae (2002)