Hamdi Bayoumi Ibrahim Aboa Tour
Affiliation (Cotton Research Institute (CRI
Department Regional Evaluation Research
Research station Field Crops Research Stations
Station name
Research Field Plant Science and Production(Cultivars Evaluation)
Scientific Progress
Emeritus Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [21/01/2010]
Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [27/06/1998]
Senior Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [30/07/1992]
Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [02/05/1987]
Assistant Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [28/06/1981]
Research Assistant in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [07/05/1978]
Specialist in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [01/08/1974]
- Comparative evaluation of two new and cultivated extra- long staple cotton varieties grown at north delta . (1999)
- Comparative evaluatation of two new and cultivated extra – long staple cotton varieties grown at north delta . (1999)
- Stability parameters for lint yield and some of its components of a set Egyptian cotton cultivars. (1996)
- Stepwise regression analysis of the primary lint yield components of Egyptian cotton . (1996)
- Effect of locations on yield and quality of Egyptian cotton varieties . (1996)
- Analytical study on the economic characters of new and commercial Egyptian cotton varieties . (1996)
- The relative contribution of yield components to lint yield in three cultivars of Egyptian cotton. (1996)
- Variety x Environment interaction of cotton trials in north Delta and upper Egypt . (1994)
- Effect of seasonal variation on flowering and fruiting on cotton (1994)
- Studies on the variability and the correlation between yield and yield components in Egyptian cotton varieties . (1991)
- Breeding potentials of some cultivated Egyptian cotton varieties. (1991)
- Cotton vanetal response to three mixtures of insecticides / IGTS. 1-Germination and seed quality . (1990)
- Cotton varietal response to three mixtures of insecticides I.G.I. yield, yield components and cotton leaf worm infestation . (1990)
- Evaluation of damage to lint and seed of the Egyptian cotton varieties caused by the cotton bollworms. (1990)
- Cotton cultivar response to shortening the growing season and removing the tipes of cotton plants . (1989)
- Cotton varietal response to three mixtures of insecticides I.G.I.sII.Germination and seed quality. (1990)
- Cotton varietal response to three mixtures of insecticides I.G.I.sII. fiber properties and bollworms infestation . (1990)
Master Thesis:
- (دراسات وراثيه على محصول القطن المصرى) وراثة المقاومة لبعض حشرات القطن الرئيسيه في نوع القطن المصرى (1980)
PhD Thesis:
- دراسات على وراثه المقاومة للحشرات في القطن المصري (1987)