Samy Ali Abd El - Aal
Affiliation (Cotton Research Institute (CRI
Department Cotton Agronomy Research
Research station Field Crops Research Stations
Station name
Research Field Plant Science and Production(Agronomy )
Scientific Progress
Emeritus Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [04/06/2009]
Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [27/06/1998]
Senior Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [20/06/1993]
Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [11/05/1989]
Assistant Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [28/06/1981]
Research Assistant in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [01/06/1973]
Specialist in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [12/10/1971]
- Response of cotton cultivar Giza 85 to nitrogen rates and hill spacings levels of growth regulator ( pix ) (2001)
- Effect of different furrow – irrigation systems on cotton productivity, water use efficiency and some insects population . (1996)
- The optimum flowering stage to apply the last irrigation in cotton for Giza 77 cultivar. (1996)
Master Thesis:
- التأثير الطفرى لأشعة الليزر على نبات القطن (1980)
PhD Thesis:
- توضيحات عن قوة الهجين فى القطن المصرى (1988)