Khaled Abd El-Maboud Ali
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Rabbit, Turkey and Water Fowl Research Department
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Poultry Husbandry and Production )
Agrovoc Ducks
E-mail address
Work Telephones 0106795943
Scientific Progress
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [01/02/2006]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [14/08/2001]
Specialist in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [17/02/1985]
- Effect of interaction between season and Arak (Salvadora persica) suplementation on rabbits -1 productive and some physiological performance of growing rabbits (2014)
- Effect of strain and season on eggshell organic matrix proteins in relation to their shell quality in ducks (2012)
- Performance and carcass characteristics of Dumyati, Muscovy, Peking and Sudani duck breeds (2011)
- Effect of feed withdrawal and darkening periods on physiological and immunological responses of Muscovy ducks during high environmental temperature (2009)
- Effect of light regimes on some physiological and reproductive characteristics in Muscovy drakes (2009)
- Effect of high temperature and ascorbic acid injection during incubation in Muscovy duck eggs on thermoregulation and bone characteristics, (2013)
- Effect of early fasting with or without fed supplemental organic selenium on thermoregulation and oxidative status in Pekin ducks during summer season (2013)
- Genetic parameters of litter traits in a local Baladi black rabbit in Egypt (2012)
- Rabbit production under poluted environmental conditions: 3. effect of electromagnetic waves pollution on rabbits performance and its alleviation using propolis during growing period (2010)
- Rabbit production under poluted environmental conditions: 4. effect of electromagnetic waves pollution on rabbits performance and its alleviation using Propolis during mature period (2010)
- Rabbit production under poluted environmental conditions: 5. effect of lead pollution on rabbit performance and its alleviation using natural clay during growing period (2010)
- Rabbit production under poluted environmental conditions: 6. effect of lead pollution on rabbits performanceand its alleviation using natural clay during mature period (2010)
- Effect of vitamin c and cumin supply on oxidative profile, some gastrointestinal enzymes and performance of growing rabbits during hot season (2009)
- Effect of vitamin C and cumin supplementation on growth, some enzyme activity and morphology of gastrointestinal tract in rabbits weaned during hot season (2007)
Master Thesis:
- Effect of some environmental factors affecting ducks performance. (2000)
PhD Thesis:
- Studes on some factors affecting duck production. (2005)