Hesham Mahmoud Azouz
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Poultry Nutrition Research Department
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Poultry Nutrition)
Agrovoc Poultry - Feeding
E-mail address azouz@hotmail.com
Work Telephones 0233372934
Fax 023372934
Scientific Progress
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [27/12/2001]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [04/07/1995]
Research Assistant in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [03/01/1995]
Agricultural Engineer in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [14/03/1992]
- Effect of some feed additives on performance of local layer strains. 3-complementary effects of adding vitamin e or c to hot pepper on performance and egg quality of fayoumi laying hens during cold weather (2009)
- Effect of dried alfalfa meal and chromium on the performance of Inshas layers (2009)
- Effect of some feed additives on performance of local layer strains. 1- effect of vitamin e or vitamin c supplementation on egg production and egg quality of fayoumi laying hens (2008)
- Effect of some feed additives on performance of local layer strains. 2-evaluation of vitamin A or hot pepper on egg production and egg quality of laying hens during cold weather (2008)
- Antioxidants supplementation to diet of Egyptian chicken under different environmental conditions 2- the growth during cold winter stress (2007)
- Antioxidants supplementation to diet of Egyptian chicken under different environmental conditions 1- egg production during hot summer stress (2007)
- Response of broiler performance to diets containing hot pepper, and /or fenugreek at different metabolizable energy levels (2002)
Master Thesis:
- Evaluation of dietary untraditional protein sources of rabbits (1994)
PhD Thesis:
- Effect of hot pepper and fenugreek seeds supplementation on broiler diets (2001)