Swiefy Abd El-Rahim Swiefy
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Biotechnolog Research Department
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Animal Physiology)
Agrovoc Physiologists - Cows
E-mail address swiefy53@yahoo.com
Scientific Progress
Senior Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [26/05/2002]
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [03/05/1997]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [18/11/1990]
Research Assistant in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [22/03/1990]
Agricultural Engineer in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [23/10/1982]
- Some serum biochemical , hormonal and protein profile studies on buffaloes and cattle suffering from mycotoxicosis and/or brucellosis (2006)
- Effect of GnRH 10-14 day post insemination on pregnancy rate in dairy cows in Egypt (2006)
- Serum progesterone profile during postpartum period in dairy cattle and its relation to fertility (2005)
- Growth, onset of puberty of baladi heifers and supsequent milk production as influenced by prepubertal injection of somatotropin (2005)
- Post-partum ovarian activity in conceived and non-conceived friesian cows during summer season in Egypt (2004)
- Effect of retained placenta on post-partum reproductive performance of Freisian cows (2003)
- Productive and reproductive performance of Friesian cows as affected by somatotropin treatment (2001)
- Feeding and meat production-related parameters in baladi, abondance x baladi and tarentaise x baladi fattened calves (2005)
- Effect of adding yeast culture or sodium bicarbonate to lactating Friesian cows diet containing fodder beet root silage on their reproductive performance (2000)
- Effect of adding yeast culture or sodium bicarbonate to Friesian cows diet containing fodder beet root silage on feed quality, milk production, feed conversion and body weight change (2000)
- Effects of adding yeast culture or sodium bicarbonate to lactating Friesian cows diet containing fodder beet root silage on rumen activity and blood constituents (2000)
- A study on some physiological parameters in baladi and friesian cows (2000)
PhD Thesis:
- Post- partum reproductive performance of Friesian cows in relation to season of calving and level of milk production (1997)