Ibrahim Mohamed Shakweer
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Animal Nutrition Research Departement
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Animal Nutrition)
Agrovoc Silage making - Silage - Animal nutrition - Feed additives
E-mail address ishakweer_apri@yahoo.com
Work Telephones 0102920411
Scientific Progress
Senior Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [17/01/2007]
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [01/12/2001]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [04/07/1995]
Research Assistant in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [03/01/1995]
Specialist in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [20/03/1992]
- Effect of using summer green forage mixture on fattening Friesian calves (2011)
- Effect of feeding different levels of orange waste silage on productive performance of lactating Friesian cows (2011)
- Effect of feeding whole maize silage with some feed additives on fattening buffalo calves (2011)
- Effect of feeding whole maize silage with some feed additives on fattening buffalo calves (2011)
- Effect of two different sources of zinc supplementation on productive performance of Friesian dairy cows (2010)
- Effect of zinc supplementation as zinc sulfate or zinc methionine on Friesian calf performance (2010)
- Productive performance and semen physical characteristics of Friesian calves fed different proportions of sugar beet tops and corn stover silages (2009)
- Effect of using natural feed additives performance of dairy Friesian cows (2008)
- Effect of using natural feed additives performance of dairy Friesian cows (2008)
- Effect of using different levels of biologically treated rice straw in growing rabbit diets on growth performance, nutrients digestibility and some physiological parameters (2006)
- Effect of supplemental zinc methionine concentrations on digestibility , feed effeciency and some ruminal and blood parameters and performance of Friesian calves (2006)
- Effect of different levels of supplemented organic zinc source on performance of Friesian dairy cows (2005)
- Productive performance of suckling calves fed diets supplemented with zinc methionine (2005)
- Influence of yeast culture supplementation on feed digestibility, blood constituents and the performance of finished culled female buffaloes (2004)
- Effect of biological treatments of rice straw cerevisia bagasse on their digestibility, nutritive value, ruminal activity and some blood parameters in rams (2003)
- Productive and reproductive performance of Friesian calves fed different proportions of sugar beet tops and corn stover silages (2008)