Yasser Salah Hussein
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Biotechnolog Research Department
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Animal Physiology - Reproduction)
Agrovoc Animal physiology
E-mail address yshssein@hotmail.com OR yshussein@gmail.com
URL yshusseinm@facebook.com
Work Telephones 0105747318
Scientific Progress
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [18/09/2011]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [07/07/2011]
Master Thesis:
- تأثير الحقن بهرمون النمو المخلق على نشاط الغدة اللبنية التخليقى اثناء الحمل في ابقار الفريزيان (2005)
PhD Thesis:
- Leptin hormone concentration during the late gestation and early lactation period in Friesian cows (2010)