Ezzat Abd El-Salam El-Sayed Ahmed
Affiliation (Cotton Research Institute (CRI
Department Cotton Agronomy Research
Research station Field Crops Research Stations
Station name
Research Field Plant Science and Production(Agronomy )
Scientific Progress
Emeritus Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [06/04/2009]
Chief Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [23/05/2007]
Senior Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [21/03/2002]
Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [19/01/1997]
Assistant Researcher in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [07/10/1992]
Research Assistant in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [01/06/1973]
Specialist in (Cotton Research Institute (CRI [03/10/1971]
- Effect of sowing dates and nitrogen levels on growth, earliness and yield of Egyptian cotton cultivar Giza 88. (2001)
- Effect of soil and foliar application of urea fertilizer on growth and yield of Giza 88 cotton cultivar . (2001)
- the role of irrigation intervals and plant population in cotton productivity . (2000)
- Response of late sowing cotton cultivar Giza 88 to times of potassium application under different levels of nitrogen. (2001)