Khaled Zaki Dokhan
Affiliation Animal Reproduction Research Institute (ARRI)
Department Pathology of Reproduction
Research Field Veterinary Science, Animal Protection and Hygiene(Pathology and clinical Pathology)
E-mail address khaled
Work Telephones 33764325
Scientific Progress
Senior Researcher in Animal Reproduction Research Institute (ARRI) [28/12/2005]
Researsh & Applied Activities:
- Mona, M.H. ALaa EL-Deen ; Abdel-Aziz; M.Z; El-Bakhmy, A.S.M And Dokhan, K.Z. (2006): Clinico-Pathological Studies On The Relation-ship Between Some Blood Constituents And Endometrial Biopsies Associated With some Reproductive Disorders In Buffaloes. Egypt. J. Appl. Physiology.; 5 (2): 253- 270 (2006)