Master Thesis
[Total: 55 ]
Hindy Khalil Abd alla,
The main objective of this study was to identify effectiveness of extension methods directed to the tomato crop farmers in Luxor governorate. This objective has been achieved through :
1) determining the effectiveness level of the extension methods studied directedto the tomato crop farmers in Luxor governorate.
2) Studying the correlation between the effectiveness level of the extension methods studied and the independent variables studied.
The study was conducted in four villages in Luxor governorate. Data were collected from random sample of 214 farmers. A prepared questionnaire used to collect data from farmers personal interviews. Frequency, percentages, and chi square test were used for data presentation and analysis using SPPS program.
The results showed that:
1. Most extension methods effectiveness level were the field visits by 92.99%, then the mobile phone by 76.17%, then the office visits by 71.03%, then the extension meetings by 61.68%, and finally the extension fields by 51.87% .
2. From the respondents farmers, 58.4% the general adoption level of the tomato practices among the extension methods was average , and 28.5% the general adoption level of that practices was low, and 13.1% the general adoption level of that practices was high.
3. There was significant relationship between the effectiveness degree of the extension fields, the type of loop cultivated and, the method of agriculture.
4. There was significant relationship between the effectiveness degree of the field visit, the level of education, the area cultivated tomatoes, the type of loop cultivated, and the method of agriculture.
5. There was significant relationship between the effectiveness degree of the office visit, the marital status, the level of education, the type of loop cultivated, and the method of agriculture.
6. There was significant relationship between the effectiveness degree of the extension meetings and, the age, the marital status, the type of loop cultivated, the method of agriculture.
7. There was significant relationship between the effectiveness degree of the mobile phone, the age, the area cultivated tomato, the type of loop cultivated, and the type of tenure.
salem abd elsamad,
This study aimed basically at identifying the level of adoption
of unsafe practices by vegetables and fruits growers in some rural
areas of Menufiya governorate, This main objective was achieved
. theoretically and empirically through the following sub-objectives:
- Identifying the .knowledge level of unsafe practices by vegetables
and fruits growers.
- Identifying the application degree of unsafe practices by vegetables
and fruits growers. .
-Determining the correlates of the unsafe practices knowledge level.
- Determining the correlates of the unsafe practices application
- Identifying the reasons of applying the unsafe practices by
vegetables and fruits growers.
The study. was carried. out in two villages in Menufiya
governorate, the first village was Sahel El gawaber and. the second
village was Kafer El swalmya of El shohadaa district.
Galal Awad Alahh Afaf,
The study amied mainly determining the Agricultural Extension problems of the animal production, and the management and educational problems faced the respondents as cattle and buffalo breeders in Ismailia Governorate.
Five provinces were selected ; Ismailia,EI-Tal Elkabeer, Fayed, Qantarah West and Qantara East the study sample has been selected at regular random way The sample was determined using the equation, of Morgan Kreczsi with a sample size of 172 farmers in order to easily perform calculations and to increase trusted results. The sample representing 12.4% of total respondents in the selected centers. The top five village in the choosen centers were selected respective villages, and the sample was distributed according to the relative number of respondents.
For the presentation of the results and their analysis, the arithmetic average, standard deviation, coefficient variation, the repetitive tabular presentation percentage and (t) test, were used.
Objectives of the research: Identification of management problems facing (cattle and buffalo breeders ) respondents, in the Ismailia Governorate in terms of presence and relative importance of the problems.
The result showed that the most important management problems faced the cattle and buffalo breeders respondents during breeding and marketing their animals after descendingly according to percentage of meaning of it were lake of financial liquidity, high feeding prices, far distance between breeders and local market also it showed ,The most important educational problems are unseparation between animals , There is no clean water source to the brain yard , unsuitable direction for the yard, ignoring the importance of
green legumes in ration in summer . Ignoring the importance of first aid in Blot case, ignoring the importance of proceeding artificial insemination.
Benefits from the research:
I - Applied benefits: Based on the study results there is a proposed indicators for planning and implementing Extension programs to over come the most problems facing the cattle and buffalo breeders in Ismailia Governorate
2 —Academic benefit: It is possible through this study to emphasis the necessity of further studies as we consider this study as a step in the scientific road for reducing this problems.
REHAB Mokhtar Abd- El Rahman Rakha,
The main objective of this study was to identify the Impact of sugar beet technology transfer program on Farmer's knowledge at El- Hamol district, Kafr El —Sheikh Governorate.
Study data were collected from a random sample of (106) respondent as experimental sample and (103) respondent as control sample by using personal interview questionnaire.
Frequencies, percentage, arithmetic mean, simple and multiple correlation coefficients, standard deviation, partial and standard partial regression coefficients, and "T" test for comparing two means were used to analyze study data.
knowledge educational impact of the technology transfer program of
sugar beet crop:
The results indicated that 50% and nearly 38% from tow study samples experimental and control were come in moderate knowledge with extension recommendation of sugar beet crop.
To determine the significant differences between mean of the degree of knowledge of tow study samples with extension recommendation of the sugar beet crop, results cleared that the calculated value of (T) was 3.916 and it was significant at the level of 0.001 of significant, this results refers clearly to a significant between mean of the degree of knowledge of tow
study samples.
Ahmad Abd El-geleel Abd El-AAL,
This study aimed mainly to identify the educational knowledge impacts of the extensional fields in the farmers of sugar beet crop in some villages of Kafrelsheikh,
The personal questionnaire has been used as a tool for collecting data from the interviewees. Kafrelsheikh governorate has been selected to conduct this study because it is the first governorate in the total production and cultivated area of sugar beet crop, the study was conducted on three groups of growers of sugar beet crop, the first group they were all the farmers of extension fields of sugar beet in Kafrelsheikh governorate for the season 2007/2008, they were 20 farmers all of them had been included in the study, the second group included 181 farmares of neighbouring fields, The third group included 132 farmares of non -neighbouring fields Results proved that approximately 65% of the farmers of extension fields included in high knowledge category, while approximately 34%, and about 8% of the farmers of neighbour fields and of non- neighbour fields included in the same category, respectively, also it found that 25% of the farmers of extension fields were in the moderate knowledge category, while this percentage in farmers of neighbour fields and of non- neighbour fields about 40%, and approximately 42%, respectively. Finally, results cleared that 10% of the farmers of extension fields included in low knowledge category, while 26% and 50% of the farmers of neighbour fields and non- neighbour in the same category respectively.
To determine the significant differences between the degree of knowledge of each of the farmers of extension fields, farmers of neighbour fields and farmers of non- neighbour fields with extension recommendations of the sugar beet crop, results cleared that the calculated value of (F) was 117.33 and it was significant at the level of 0.01of significance, this results refers clearly to a significant difference between means of degree of knowledge of the farmers of extension fields, farmers of neighbour fields and farmers of non- neighbour fields with extension recommendations of the sugar beet crop,
Shema Abd- All,
Obstacles of Reaching Some Extension Messages
to Rural Women in Gharbia Governorate
Shaema Abdel Mageed Abdallah Al-Kholy
The objectives of this Research were as follows:
Determining knowing level of respondents with the studied extension message.
Determining obstacles of reaching extension messages to rural women which related to the extension agent.
Determining obstacles of reaching extension message to rural women which related to extension Channels.
Determining obstacles of reaching extension message to rural Women which related to extension message.
Determining obstacles of reaching extension message to rural women which related to rural women.
Determining the relationship between respondents knowing level with the studied extension messages and kind of obstacles reaching extension, messages "extension agent, messages, channels, and rural women "
Determining the relative importance of the studied Obstacles Kinds.
This study was done in Gemaza village, Tanta district, Gharbia Governorate. Data were collected in june 2007, using a prepared personal questionnaire from 221 rural women as a sample which represented 37% of the whole population of the village.
Data were analyzed using tabulation, percentages, arithmetic mean, and Simple correlation coefficient.
Findings were as follows:
31.22% of respondents indicated that the obstacles of reaching extension message which related to extension agent were found with high degree
38.91% of respondents indicated that the obstacles of reaching extension message which related to extension message were found With high degree .
46.61% of respondents saw that the obstacles of reaching channels were found with high degree .
44.80 of respondents indicated that the obstacles of reaching extension message which related to rural women were found with high degree .
There was negative significant relationship between knowing degree of respondents with the studied extension message and each kind of obstacles related to extension agents, extension message , and rural women.
The obstacles which related to extension channels were more important than the other obstacles of the other kinds such as extension message , rural women and extension agent.
Rasha Abd El-hameid,
Define the differences between farmers who heard and who did not hear about Tomato Integrated Pest Management (TIPM) in relation to their characteristics, Identify the diffusion level of (TIPM)of the respondent farmers, Identify the variables affecting the farmers knowledge degree of (TIPM), Know the obstacles of diffusion of the (TIPM)and suggestions to over come them in the view point of both farmers and facilitators.
The study was conducted in two districts belonging to Fayoum govemorate which were Tamia and Etsa according to the cultivated area of Tomato, two villages were selected from each district according to the same criteria. A random systematic sample of Tomato growers was drawn from the four villages which represent 10% from the whole numbers of the Tomato growers in these villages, The whole sample of farmers were 200 fanner, In order to obtain an accurate findings and achieve the study objectives, all the facilitators of the (IPM) project in Fayoum directorate in the two districts were represented, their ,total number were 32 facilitated.
:Findings cleared a significant differences between farmers who heard and who did not hear about the (TIPM) in relation to the following variables: size of land holding, Tomato cultivated area, readiness to change, aspiration level, and leadership degree, Findings reported about the diffusion level of (TIPM) that 26.5% of farmers did not hear about (TIPM), About half of farmers (54.4%) heard about (TIPM) from two years and less, the facilitator was the main source of hearing about it, The knowledge degree of (TIPM) of 50.3% of farmers was average, More than half of farmer did not apply the (TIPM).
Findings cleared that awareness of benefits of (TIPM), attitudes towards (TIPM) and size of land holding, were responsible of 34.2 % of variance of the knowledge degree.
Ragab Abd El-Aziz,
The study aims at identifying the social changes resulted from applying the liberalization policy procedures such as:
Crop pattern cancellation, crop supply compulsory cancellation, inputs subsidization cancellation and pronouncement some legislation that organize the relationship between owner and tenant. Also measuring the amount of these changes, and finally the nature of these changes.
The study concentrated on the following twenty social aspects :
Unemployment size , prices levels , labour division , farm income , agriculture labour size , farm machinery prices , farm machinery rent , pesticides prices , seeds prices , fertilizers prices , agricultural products prices , agricultural land prices , agricultural land rent , land fallowing and harrowing , agricultural drainage conditions , irrigation masks conditions , rational use of pesticides , internal migration , immigration , and cooperation between farmers .
For realizing these objectives a questionnaire was designed and filled through personal interview. Data were collected from random sample of 300 respondents whose ages over 45 years to be aware with liberalization policy procedures that applied since 1987 in Egypt.
100 respondents were selected from El-Sheikh zeiad village in Maghagha district, 70 respondents were selected from Behdal village in Minia district, and 130 respondents were selected from kalandol village in mallawy district. Data were collected during February and March, 2007. Frequency, percentages and chi-square test were used for data analysis.
1- Results showed that the all social aspects have been changed except labour division and the rational use of pesticides as result of applying the crop pattern cancellation procedure.
2- All social aspects have been changed except external immigration as a result of applying inputs subsidization cancellation procedure.
3- All social aspects have been changed on applying crop supply compulsory cancellation procedures.
4- On applying the procedures of pronouncement some legislation that organizes the relationship between owner and tenant al social aspects have been changed except labour division.
5- Regarding the measuring of amounts of changes that occurred for the previous social aspects, results revealed that:
There were big changes were occurred repeatedly as result of the four procedures for the following aspects:
Unemployment size, prices level, farm equipment prices, farm equipment rent, agricultural land prices, and agricultural land rent.
6- Medium moderate changes were took place repeatedly as a result of the four procedures for the following aspects:
Farm income, and farm labours .
7- Changeable changes were occurred for the other aspects.
8- Concerning the nature of changes, results showed that negative changes were occurred repeatedly as a result of applying the liberalization policy procedures in the aspects:
Unemployment size, farm labors, and cooperation between farmers.
9- Also positive changes were took place repeatedly as a result of applying the liberalization policy procedures in the following aspects:
Farm income, farm equipment rent, pesticides prices, agricultural products prices, agricultural land prices, agricultural land rent, and land fallowing and harrowing.
10- Neutral changes were occurred as result of applying Crop pattern cancellation in the following aspects:
Labor division, fertilizers prices, irrigation masks conditions, and rational use of pesticides.
11- Neutral changes were occurred as result of applying crop supply compulsory cancellation in the following aspect:
Rational use of pesticides.
12- Neutral changes were occurred as result of applying inputs subsidization cancellation in the following aspect:
13- Neutral changes were occurred as result of applying pronouncement some legislation that organize the relationship between owner and tenant in the following aspect :
labour division .
Tayser Abd El- all Asmael,
It is thought that the development of human societies in general and rural communities in particular depends on how well they succeed in improving the status of women and tackling the problems that hinder the ability of women to fulfill their roles properly. This is because rural women assume various responsibilities and play many roles. The performance of all those roles is not always satisfactory. This means that there is a shortage that needs to be corrected. Two perspectives are initially taken to conceptualize this situation. The first perspective considers rural women to be non equipped for their roles. The second perspective argues that there are widespread social problems prevent the good performance of rural women.
This study emphasizes the second perspective mentioned above, and tries to identify problems facing rural women in rural traditional and modern communities and hinder their role performance,
The objectives of this study were stated as follows:
1- Identifying the degree to which rural women in traditional and new communities suffer from problems of poverty, ignorance, illness, husband's dominance, dominance of mother- in- law, child bearing, violence, absence of husband, tight dwelling, role- conflict, kinship conflicts, discrimination, avoiding organizational participation, lack of security, lack of confidence in others, disorganization of service organizations, shopping, fear of contacting men, lack of jobs, low wages, alienation, and lack of services.
2- Identifying the differences between women in traditional and modern communities in suffering from the problems of poverty, ignorance, illness, husband's dominance, dominance of mother- in- law, child bearing, violence, absence of husband, tight dwelling, role conflict, kinship conflicts, discrimination, avoiding organizational participation, lack of security, shopping, fear of contacting men, lack of jobs, low wages, alienation, and lack of services.
3- Assessing the bivariate relationships between the independent variables of age, educational level, educational level of husband, age at marriage, family size, family monthly income, agricultural land ownership, agricultural land rental, ownership of farm animals, level of family dwelling, ownership of home appliances, informal social participation, mass media exposure, and traditionalism, and the score of suffering from the problems of poverty, ignorance, illness, husband's dominance, dominance of mother- in- law, child bearing, violence, absence of husband, tight dwelling, role conflict, kinship conflicts, discrimination, avoiding organizational participation, lack of security, shopping, fear of contacting men, lack of jobs. Low wages, alienation, and lack of services.
4- Identifying the differences in suffering from the problems of poverty, ignorance, illness, husband's dominance, dominance of mother- in- law, child bearing, violence, absence of husband, tight dwelling, avoiding organizational participation, lack of security, shopping, fear of contacting men, lack of jobs, low wages, alienation, and lack services. Between rural women classified according to occupation, husband's occupation, family type, husband having other wives, and having previous marriage instance.
Rural communities in kafr El-Sheikh governorate were chosen as site for the study. El-Riyadh district was purposively selected because of the existence of several modern rural communities. The two modem communities of Mubarak 'El-Gadidah and El-Fayrouz were purposively taken as new communities. Sidi salem district was purposively selected as a district with only traditional rural communities. The two communities of El-Waraq and Kafr-El-Masharqah were randomly drawn as sample communities, The study population was delineated to be all families having permanent residence in the four selected villages. The population size was 13351 families. An independent subsample was decided to be drawn from each sample community. Using Krejcie and Morgan formula, the target subsample size was 195, 140, 119, and 104 families for El-Waraq, Kafr-El-Mashargah, Mubarak Al-Gadidah, and El-Fayrouz, respectively. The wife in each sample family was considered to be the unit of response and the unit of analysis at the same time.
Manal Aly El-KHadragee,
This study aimed at: Identifying the degree to which the communication skills, are present in female extension agents, assessing the relationships between independent variables and presence of communication skills, assessing the differences in communication skills between respondents when classified according nominal independent variables, and identifying problems facing female extension workers and their suggestion too solve them.
Date were collected by group interviews with the target population. The number of completed interview schedules is 214 representing 93.86% of the target population.
The main findings may be summarized as fallows:
1- The majority of respondents have the technical readiness skill however, there is some variation about the details .
2- A minority of respondents show the skills of psychological readiness , and attracting attention.
3- Most respondents have skills of clear presentation, and utilizing audience language.
4- Listening skill is prevailing among respondents .
5- The independent variables of age , income , and seniority are rarely related to the communication skills possessed .
6- Presentation with audience language and listening are related to the independent variables more than other skills .
7- There are diffences among various counties in Gharbia . Kotour
county is always the least . Whereas , Samannoud , Kafr El
Zayyat, and El-Mahalla El-Kobra counties are in a better standing
with regard to certain skills .
In view of those results , several recommendations were formulated .