Development Of Expert System for Citrus Agro-Management using CD-ROM [LIMEX]
Main Place Climate Change Information Center & Renewable Energy & Expert Systems
Dates Starting Date: 10/1992      Ending Date: 6/1995
Objectives - Building a database on citrus.
- Building a system to diagnose diseases and pests of citrus.
- One of the main goals of this project is to enable the control of a citrus fruit life, either on the tree or in storage after harvest. This is an essential factor for marketing.
Achievements - Compile books, pamphlets, photos and video clips on the cultivation of citrus death in Egypt.
- Building a multimedia system does not return information according to user interest.
- Develop a lemon crop expert on municipal contains quality systems to assess the viability of the land for planting and irrigation, fertilization and the diagnosis and Mkvha pests.
- The integration of multimedia information system with the expert.
Participated Researchers
Contact Person
Principal Investigator
Project Staff
Cooperating and Funds
Co-Operation Extenal Establishment
  • مركز معلومات كلية الهندسة جامعة عين شمس  
Funded by
  • NARP