 Research of PGPR organism in the rhizosphere of the corn in different situation Agro – ecopedologiques of Egypt [PGPR]
Main Place Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
Dates Starting Date: 6/2005   Expected End Date: 6/2007  
Objectives To develop a bank of gene of bacteria of the rhizosphere of
local cultivars of the corn. Criterias of selection will be based on the expression of PGPR characters from genes characterized taxonomiquement and function nellment by the molecular biological methods the ultimate objective is the production of PGPR in owlum adapted to the different conditions afro – eco – pedologiques of Egypt.
Achievements - Conclusion during this first year to the project methodology for the characterization of the isolates for the sifting to produce inoculums.
- The graphic resolution of the analysis of comparison of the RFIP is given in the form of dendrogramme (Tree) of which the unit is the % of similarity on the 3 profiles of restriction.
Participated Researchers
Principal Investigator
Cooperating and Funds
Co-Operation Internal Establishment
Funded by
  • فرنسا
  • اكاديمية البحث العلمى
  • معهد بحوث الأراضى والمياه والبيئة