Effect of some soil amendments on improving chemical properties and productivity of saline-sodic soils

Abstract: Studying the improvement of some characteristics of a soil irrigated with agricultural drainage water is the main objective of this investigation. A field experiment was conducted on a saline-sodic soil at Mashtul area in the eastern Nile Delta, Egypt during two successive seasons of summer (maize plants) and winter 2005-2006 (wheat plants) to study the effect of applied different soil amendments (gypsum, sulphur and farmyard manure {FYM}) added individually or in combination on the changes in some chemical and nutritional status.
The obtained results reveal that the values of ESP, SAR, pH and ECe were positively affected under all applied treatments either for individually or in combination forms, where their values exhibited sharply decreased as comparing with the control treatment. Also, gypsum containing treatments i.e. gypsum, (gypsum+FYM) and (gypsum+sulphur+FYM) were the most effective ones.
Concerning the effect of applied soil amendments on soil fertility status, data show that the available contents of N, P and k, generally, were increased especially with the individual organic treatment. On the other hand, crop yields of both maize and wheat, grown on amended soil plots, were increased as compared with the control treatment. The plant parameters confirmed also highly magnitude of gypsum additions either individually or combined with other amendments for improving and conserving the saline-sodic soils in Egypt and enhancing their productivity
Publication year 2006
Availability location -معهد بحوث الاراضى والمياه والبيئةSoils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC
Availability number
Organization Name
City Zagazig
serial title Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences
ISSN 1110-1571
Department Improvement and Conservation of Cultivated Soils Research
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil erosion, conservation and reclamation
Chemicophysical properties. Gypsum. Maize. Organic fertilizers. Productivity. Saline soils. Sodic soils. Soil amendments. Sulphur. Wheats.
Publication Type Journal