Effect of different applied of potassium sources on quantity and quality of groundnut crop grown under newly reclaimed sandy soil conditions

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted on a newly reclaimed sandy soil
at the Experimental Farm of Ismaellia Agriculture Research Station
during a summer season of 2009 to study the effect of applied potassium
sulfate, as a mineral fertilizer, alone and its integrated with different
(wood ash and vinasse), i.e., vinasse (by-product of sugarcane
complementary industries) and wood ash on groundnut yield and its
components, i.e., chemical constituents (i.e., macro and micro nutrients
uptake by both hays and seeds) and biochemical ones (i.e., seed protein,
oil and its components of fatty acids). The effect of different applied
(wood ash and vinasse) on some soil properties were taken into
consideration in the current study.
The obtained results show that application of the tested (wood ash
and vinasse) led to a significant increase for each of the studied plant
parameters (i.e., weight of 100 seed in g, weight of pods in kg fed-1, hay
and seed yields in kg fed-1), chemical constituents (i.e., macro and micro
nutrients uptake by both hays and seeds) and biochemical ones (i.e., seed
protein, oil and its components of fatty acids). Whilst the application of
the tested (wood ash and vinasse) had a greater effect on the
aforementioned plant parameters, particularly the combined treatments
of potassium sulfate integrated with vinasse followed by wood ash,
which were recorded the greatest values, and potassium sulfate fertilizer
As for response of soil properties to the applied treatments, the
obtained data reveal that the combined treatments of potassium sulfate
integrated with either vinasse or wood ash resulted in a significant
decrease in each of soil pH and ECe values vs a significant increase in
each of soil content of organic matter and available nutrients of N, P and
K. Thus, it could be recommended that application of potassium sulfate
as a mineral fertilizer integrated with either vinasse or wood ash as
combined treatments can be used for maximizing the profitability of
potassium sulfate in such newly reclaimed sandy soils, and in turn
increasing the yield of groundnut seeds and improving its quality.
Publication year 2010
Pages 37-48
Availability location كلية الزراعة - جامعة الفيوم
Availability number
Organization Name
City الفيوم
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural research
Groundnut oil. Sandy soils. Vinasse.
Proposed Agrovoc wood ash;soil properties;
Publication Type Journal