"Effectiveness of agricultural extension activities in the field of resistance to certain pests and diseases of sugar beet in some villages of the Nubariya territory

Abstract: The objectives of the research were to determine the effectiveness of extension activities in the field of resistance to certain pests and diseases of sugar beet crop and therefore determine the level of knowledge of the surveyed farmers about technical recommendations for the resistance of some pests and diseases that afflict sugar beet crop, and to convince them with the agricultural extension for implementation, and execution, and they benefit from the implementation of those recommendations , also the research tries to determine the relationship between the degree of effectiveness of the extension activities in the field of resistance to certain pests and diseases of sugar beet crop as dependent variable and some independent variables studied to respondents, as well as identify the problems faced by the surveyed farmers in the field of resistance to certain pests and diseases of sugar beet crop.
The research was conducted in province Nubariya, the total sample the 112 examined cases, which representing 10% of the total cultivation of sugar beet's 1120 in the three largest villages in the west Nubariya, in terms of acreage sugar beet season 2012,the data were collected by personal interviews using a form of Surveys during the month of September 2012.
The major search results were as follows:
- 41.1% of the total agricultural respondents fall into the low level of effectiveness of agricultural extension activities in the field of resistance to certain pests and diseases of sugar beet, while 21.4% of the farmers surveyed in the average level of effectiveness, while 37.5% of Total respondents had fallen in high level of effectiveness of agricultural extension activities.
-That the problems faced by farmers of sugar beet respondents respectively are: the problem of high fertilizer prices by 100% of the total agricultural respondents came first, followed in second place the problem of high prices of transportations of the crop by 75%, while it was ranked third problem is irregular shifts irrigation increased by 65.5%, while the fourth problem is that they could not get the price of the crop on time in factories 63.4%, and finally and in fifth place came the problem of low delivery price in factories by 62.5% of the total agricultural respondents.
-There was significant correlation relationship between the level of effectiveness of the extension activities in the field of resistance to certain pests and diseases of sugar beet crop and each of the following: independent variables age, degree of education the average productivity per Feddan of sugar beet crop, the degree of leadership opinion, the attitude towards outreach activities , and the degree of contact with extension agents and the degree of exposure to sources of agricultural information. There was opposite relationship between the level of effectiveness of agricultural extension activities in the field of resistance to certain pests and diseases of sugar beet crop and acreage of sugar beet crop.
Publication year 2013
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title المركز القومى للبحوث
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    د. عبده عمران محمد المركز القومى للبحوث
    د. شعبان السيد محمد المركز القومى للبحوث
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal