A Study of Variables Affecting Farmers Using a New Agricultural Mechanization in Qualyoubia Governorate

Abstract: Egyptian agriculture witnessed lately deep changes and a wide development as a result of the raising demand on its products whether for domestic market or exportation. While Egypt was self-sufficient regarding most food demand, at the beginning of the 80.5 Egypt faced unprecedented food gap that grew wider because of over population, changing consumption style and the migration of agricultural hand labor to the Arab countries, which was accompanied by a high raise in the agricultural processes prices . These reasons dictated that all possible ways to be followed to raise the agricultural productivity through vertical or horizontal expansion or both and mobilize the Egyptian agriculture from the traditional style to the more modernized one through developmental programs.
One of the main programs in this concern was Agricultural mechanization which means per forming Agricultural processes by means of mechanical devises that depend on mechanical power in operation to produce agricultural products. Machinery stations (MS) are considered central bases in all governorates responsible for diffusing the technology of agricultural mechanization to meet the surrounding area needs.
Agricultural Extension have a vital and important role in this field to play as being capable of reaching early adopters of farmers, and identify the proper Agricultural Machinery (AM) needed. Another role is to disseminate AMS. Recommendations among farmers through demanetratons extension meetings and technical bulletins, as well as feeding back farmers problems when using such machinery. Typical use of AM diffusion needs to focus on general and speafied extension program's that centered around target audience needs and concerns. Such diffusion encounters many barriers that can be classified from the extension point of view to: problems that can be solved through education directly farmers lack of information about the ideal use of machines and the low educational and training levels of farmers of using machines . In addition, several MSS do not achieve their target annual plans as their machinery are under-used. Hence, this study was conducted to identify the variables affecting farmers use of modern AM in Qualubia governorate in the villages that their MSS achieved the targeted plan, and the villages that their MSS did not achieve the plan through identifying the level of farmers use of modern AM in the two study areas, determine the variables affections AM usage and its contribution in explaining the variance of that usage, identify the barriers facing farmers in using AM, and identify their suggestions to overcome these barriers and what extension services can inherence the correct usage of AM.

Publication year 2000
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library Agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 679
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: Moshtohor Faculty
Place: Zagazig University
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Education
Publication Type Master Thesis