Trials for using skimmed milk as a stabilizer for attenuating Rift valley fever virus vaccine

Abstract: In this study, the Rift valley fever virus attenuated vaccine was used after addition of skimmed milk as stabilizer with different concentrations (10%, 15% and 20%). After lyophlization, it was found that 15% and 20% had no good physical appearance, 10% concentration was chosen to continue this study. Regarding the titration and evaluation of the prepared vaccine, it was noticed that the titre was 10 7.6 TCID50/ml. It was found sterile and safe in hamster and sheep. The potency test in tissue culture was 10 7.6 TCID50/ml and the mean SNT of sheep sera was 80. The Titre at room temprature was 10 7.3 TCID50/ml on 1st day and reached 10 7.6 TCID50/ml on 7th day, while in 4 C the titre was 10 7.6 TCID50/ml in 1st month reaching to 10 4.6 TCID50/ml in 12th month, while in -20oC the titre was not changed up till 9th month and reached 10 6.3 TCID50/ml at 12th month. By estimating the level of antibodies of the prepared vaccine, it was high up till the end of the expiriment (6th month) with an average of 3.18 NI by using serum neutralizatiion test.From this study, it is clear that 10% skimmed milk is the best concentration satabilizer of choice, the prepared attenuated for48 hours and 6 months at 4oC. It can be stored at -20oC Without loss in its titre till 9 months.
Publication year 2004
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال و اللقاحات البيطرية - القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Egypt.J.Agric.Res. - مجلة البحوث الزراعية المصرية
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Hamsters. Rift valley fever virus. Sheep. Skim milk. Tissue culture.
Publication Type Journal