Manufacturing of White Cheese-like product using Flaxseed Oil and Skim milk

Milk fat has been considered as a hypercholesterolemic agent because it contains cholesterol and a generous proportion of saturated long-chain fatty acids. A nutritionally balanced product has led to the development of a choice fat source which has a critical impact on the fatty acid profile. The fortification of food with essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), such as omega-3, is an interesting and timely topic. The health benefits associated with PUFA ingestion are several. Flaxseed oil which is rich in nutraceuticals omega-3 fatty acid has been reported to be a beneficial substitute for milk fat in some dairy products. However, a complete pilot scale research is essential to evaluate the cheese sensory properties as well as the fatty acids stability of flaxseed oil upon long-term storage. Hence, this study aimed to determine the composition and acceptability of flaxseed oil formulated reduced fat cheese with optimum levels of milk fat substituted by flaxseed oil. The control made from whole milk and two types of white cheese-like products were made from skim milk and a mixture of skim milk with flaxseed oil. Samples were subjected to (moisture, T.S, fat, protein, lactose, salt, ash, and acidity (%) and pH value) and sensory evaluation in addition to microbiological content tests (total counts and coliform groups) at zero, 15, 30 and 45 days. Incorporation of flaxseed oil into cheese showed clear change in the chemical composition comparing with the control and cheese that made from skim milk except in fat content which was lower than in the control without no change in flavour and texture. However, it increased slightly the colour of cheese into yellowish and had no effect on total counts and coliform counts. Flaxseed oil incorporation also gave compatible overall acceptability as compared to the control, therefore, fortification of cheese with flaxseed oil seems ideal and consumers may enjoy the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids with reduced-fat cheese.
Publication year 2014
Pages 59- 67
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    هدي محروس عباس قسم بيوتكنولوجيا الصناعية، معهد الهندسة الوراثية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية، جامعة مدينة السادات
Publication Type Journal