Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the various aspects surrounding the production of agricultural by-products and how to recycle these products so that they have an economic impact on the farms in particular, and on the agricultural sector in general, to avoid adverse environmental effects and their impact on the environment through the conversion of agricultural waste to compos and clarifying the productive indicators of the by-products of the agricultural crops under study as well as estimating the economic returns of these products after converting them to compost to maximize their benefit after adding agricultural economic benefit to them. A questionnaire was specially designed to obtain compost production data from a sample of 27 farmers are recycling their plant residues for compost production from the village of Bani El-Hassan (District of Sakr Sons), village of Hagarsa (District of Kafr Sakr) and San Al-Hagar village (District of Husseinia) in Sharkia Governorate.
The study showed that the quantity of the plant residues is estimated at 17.324 million tons in 2017 with a value of 6.930 million pounds. This quantity is insignificantly decreases meaning that the quantity of the secondary agricultural outputs is relatively stable during the period (2002-2017). The farmers burn about 52 % of the total plant residues to obtain energy leading to lose large quantities of organic matter and various fertilize elements. The average net monthly return of compost units in the winter season was about LE 300 and LE 383.5 in the summer season. Since the average length of the matrix is estimated at 3 months, the farmer can produce two matrices in each of the winter and summer seasons. The average net return for the winter season is about 1800 LE and the summer season is about 2301 LE, i.e the total net income of four matrices is about 4101 pounds/year with an average monthly income estimated at 341.75 pounds.
Publication year 2019
Organization Name
serial title مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للعلوم الزراعية - جامعة عين شمس
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal