Effect of some planting methods on flowering time and rice yield

Abstract: This search was carried out at El-Gemmeza agricultural station, El-Garbia Governorate to study the effect of rice planting methods on flowering time and grain yield. The used planting methods were mechanical drilling, mechanical transplanting, and manual transplanting. The highest land preparation and planting field capacity of 0.36 fed/h was obtained using the mechanical drilling. The lowest land preparation and planting energy of
383 MJ/fed was consumed using the mechanical drilling. The lowest land preparation and planting costs of
122 LE/fed was achieved using the mechanical drilling. The earlier flowering time of 80 days and the higher grain yield of 4.25 ton/fed were obtained using the mechanical drilling. The higher net profit of 754.82 LE/ton was reached using the mechanical drilling.
Publication year 2003
Pages 702-714
Organization Name
serial title المجلة المصريـة للهندسة الزراعية
Department Field and horticultural crops Mechanization
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمود أحمد العطار باحث بمعهد بحوث الهندسة الزراعية
Agris Categories Agricultural engineeringCrop husbandry
Flowering. Grain. Mechanical methods. Oryza sativa. Planting. Rice. Yields.
Publication Type Journal