stability analysis and protein patterns of canola genotypes grown under diverse agro-ecological conditions

Abstract: Six genotypes of Brassica napus (Three Egyptian cultivars and three exotics from Germany) were grown in five diverse environments to study genotype and environmental interaction and phenotypic stability for seed yield and its components, as well as, to study the differentiation of protein patterns of these genotypes under the various agro-ecological conditions. The study revealed that there was considerable variation due to the interaction between genotypes and environments for all studied characters, while, the genotype effects over all agro-ecological conditions were insignificant except for the two traits (height of first branches and oil content of seeds). The local cultivars: Serwo 6 and Pactol had the highest values for these traits, respectively. The genotypes differed as regards to the contribution of linear and non-linear variance components of GE interaction. The significant variance of GE reveals that the six canola genotypes are not fully adapted to the environments under study in the country. The study indicated that standard deviation from linearity (S2d) is the best parameter for stability but Coefficient of determination may be considered only in measuring seed yield. So, the recommendation of specific genotypes for specific regions is necessary such as Pactol and Evita genotypes for favourable productivity environments (Giza) and vice versa, Licosmos and Serwo 6 for poor environmental productivity (Fayoum). On the other hand, Star genotype proved to be relatively stable.
The SDS-PAGE protein analysis revealed that the six genotypes greatly differed in their protein patterns and the diverse agro-ecologies modified their proteins with appearance of new protein types in all genotypes, especially when grown in relatively saline soil.
Publication year 2006
Pages 131-148
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية 9- شارع الجامعة- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title المجلة المصرية لتربية النبات:
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    حمدى عبد السميع محمد مصطفى - قسم البحوث النباتية – مركز البحوث النووية _ هيئة الطاقة الذرية
    وإبراهيم محمد عامر - قسم البحوث النباتية – مركز البحوث النووية _ هيئة الطاقة الذرية
Agris Categories Agriculture - General aspects
Brassica napus. Proteins.
Publication Type Journal