Effect of certain ecological factors on some biological aspects of the grey garden slugs deroceras reticulatum (muller) under laboratory conditions

Abstract: Field strain of Deroceras reticulatum slugs were reared in laboratory to investigate the effect of certain ecological factors on some biological aspects of D.reticulatum slugs under laboratory conditions. These factors were five soil moisture levels i.e.( 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 %), soil types , (clay and sandy) and their interaction, in addition to five temperature degrees i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 °C.
Results reveled that certain biological aspects of the slug were affected by the tested ecological factors. Values of hatching %, number of laid clutches, eggs/ clutch, egg/slug and depth of egg laying were [(0,18.3, 50,90.1 and 81.6) and (0,20.8,43.3,94.2and 83.3%)],[(0,0.38,0.75,1.8 and 1.3) and (0,0.37,1.25,2 and 1.62) clutch], [(0,43,131,308 and 162) and (0,45,117,280 and 102) eggs/clutch], [(0,6,14.46,35.1 and 12.73) and (0,5.4,16.5,38.52 and 19.2) eggs/slug] and [(o,1.5,1.15,0.78 and 0.33) and (0,1.95,1.23,1.2 and 0.47) cm depth], respectively. It was found that the longest incubation period (33 days) was recorded for 40 % sandy soil moisture, while the shortest one (17days) was noticed at 100 % clay soil. Also the shortest periods of generation were (115 and 132) days for sandy and clay soil at 100 % moisture level, while the longest periods were (168 and 150) days under 40 and 60 % moisture levels in clay and sandy soil, respectively. Data indicated that the longest post-oviposition periods were (260 & 275) days, and shortest one (180 and 205) days were recorded in clay and sandy soil at (100 & 40 %) and (40 & 60) moisture levels, respectively. In case of life span, the tested slug, lived longest 345.4 days in clay soil than that in sandy soil 332.6 days. Moreover, life span increased gradually from 383 days under 40 % clay moisture to reached 467 days at 100 % moisture. In respect of the effect of temperature, values of incubation and hatching periods were (0,31,21,18 and o) and (0,5,3,2.4 and 0) at the five tested temperature degrees, respectively.
Publication year 2002
Pages 60-64
Availability location معهد بحوث وقاية النباتات- ش نادي الصيد - الدقي- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City جيزه
serial title المؤتمر الدولي الثاني لمعهد بحوث وقاية النباتات
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    AL-Saied, A. B كلية الزراعة-جامعة الازهر
    Metwally, A. M كلية الزراعة-جامعة الازهر
    Al-Akra, T. M. M كلية الزراعة-جامعة الازهر
Agris Categories Protection of plants - General aspects
Biology. Clay soils. Environmental factors. Gardens. Laboratory experimentation. Sandy soils. Slugs. Temperature.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop