Ecological studies on certain Land Snails in Monofia and Gharbia Governorates

Ecological studies on certain Land Snails in Monofia and Gharbia Governorates

Abstract: Six species of terrestrial mollusca belonging to families Helicidae and Limacidae were recorded on different crops at 23 localities representing 10 districts at Monofia and Gharbia Governorates. These species were Monacha cartusiana (Muller), (the glassy clover snail), Eobania vermiculata (Muller), (the brown garden snail), Cochlicella acuta (Muller), (the conical snail), Oxychillus alliarus, the slugs, Limax flavus and Deroceras reticulatum (Muller), (the gray garden slug). The collected species varied in their incidence and level of infestation according to locality and host type. Generally, M. cartusiana snails have the upper hand on snail incidence compared to other species, since it was recorded in all surveyed localities. Moreover, the majority of the examined plants were found with heavy infestation especially Egyptian clover, wheat, broad bean and cabbage. On the other hand, other collected snail and slugs were found with limited distribution, since they were detected in few localities. Moreover, list of host plants; localities and infestation levels of the identified land snails and slugs at Monofia and Gharbia Governorates were given. The incidence study revealed that the glassy clover snail, M. cartusiana was the predominant species with a relatively high numbers on major economic, crops, while E. vermiculata snails were the common snails infesting ornamental plants. Therefore seasonal population growths of these snails were studied at Monofia and Gharbia Governorates during the two successive growing seasons 1997 – 1998 and 1998 – 1999. Also the effect of various climatic factors on population density of these snails was taken into account.
Publication year 2002
Pages pp.70-79
Availability location معهد بحوث وقاية النباتات- ش نادي الصيد - الدقي
Availability number
Organization Name
City جيزة
serial title المؤتمر الدولي الثاني لمعهد بحوث وقاية النباتات
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    Metwally1, A. M. كلية الزراعة-جامعة الازهر
    A. B. El-Saeid كلية الزراعة-جامعة الازهر
    T. M. M. El-Akra كلية الزراعة-جامعة الازهر
Agris Categories Protection of plants - General aspects
Brassica oleracea capitata. Ecology. Egypt. Host plants. Snails.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop