Evaluation of poultry production systems in Egypt.

Abstract: This work is based on a systems approach in the characterization and analysis of the broiler breeder production system. Data of nineteen complete production cycles were collected from Misr Arab and EI-Rabie farms over the period 1993-2000. Cycles started in two different seasons, winter and summer. Five strains were used, namely Arbor Acres, Avian, Hubbard, Isa, and Lohman.
Means for major technical characteristics and budget variables were estimated:
1. The list of means included flock size (28479), number of hen/housed (26478), length of rearing period (25.7 wks), length of production period (42.5 wks.), uniformity (91%), loss (5.5%), hatchability (81%), egg production/hen (171), hatchable eggs/hen (156), salable chick/hen (128), feed consumption/ produced egg (268 gm), per fertile egg (281 gm), and per produced chick (353 gm).
2. The mean net profit per cycle was LE 1909204. Feed cost represented 42% of the total cost of inputs. Sold chicks contributed 90% of the total revenues.
Least squares ANOVA of net profit per cycle, mortality, and hatchability showed that these characters were not significantly affected by strain, year, season, flock size, and cycle duration (P<0.05).
Application of the stepwise regression procedure to predict net profit (Y) from budget variables showed that Y could be predicted from a one-variable model which only included the price of sold chicks with accuracy (R2)=0.72.
Accuracy of prediction increased to 0.84,0.92, and 0.95 when the price of purchased parent chicks, miscellaneous cost, price of sold chicks, litter cost and administration expenses were entered into the model. The complete determination of Y (R2=1.00) was reached when 15 variables out of the 21 budget items were included in the model.
Publication year 2003
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى - شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number 808
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Animal Production System Research Department (SRD)
Author(s) from ARC
Broiler chickens. Poultry. Summer. Systems analysis. Winter.
Publication Type PhD Thesis