Local versus imported ingredients for formulation poultry ration.

Abstract: The present study was designed to evaluate different feed ingredients either locally produced or imported and carried out to replace local ingredients with imported one. The experiments were carried out at EI-Kanater bl-Khairia, Poultry Research station belonging the Animal Production Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture. Four experiments were designed as follows: Experiment (I) included metabolically energy (ME) determination of locally ingredients (energy and protein sources).
Experiment (2) designed to evaluate the protein quality of each plant and animal protein Sources based on (TPE) determination.
Experiment (3) was applied to replace local ingredients instead of imported sources of energy and protein. 300 chicks Arbar Acer distributed into 10 treatments. Chicks fed a starter diet containing 22% CP and 3000 k.cal/kg from 1-4 weeks of age, and from 4-7weeks of age, chicks fed a finisher diets containing 19% CP and 3000 K.cal/kg. According to the productive performance of chicks and economic efficiency of the treatments, the results reported herein indicated that, LWC as a energy source replaced I00% of (IYC) and exhibited superiority of net revenue. Local FM 100% as a animal protein Source could be successfully substitute 100% of (IFM). Also, (LSBM) and (LCGM) as a plant protein sources can replace instead of imported one. Experiment 4 designed in order to formulate ration contain 100% local ingredients (100% LE+100%IP) versus control group (100% IE +100% IP).
Under these circumstances it could be recommended that, locally products from protein and energy Sources could be successfully substitute imported ones for feeding broiler chicks, the saved foreign currency can be diverted to support and help develop the poultry industry in Egypt.
Publication year 1992
Pages 245p.
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number 396
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Poultry Nutrition Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Broiler chickens. Energy. Feeds. Performance testing. Plant protein. Rations.
Publication Type PhD Thesis