Reproductive studies on Egyption Buffaloes after parturition

Abstract: The study was planned to detect the level of ketosis incidence among Egyptian buffaloes and to verify the effect of some treatments on productive and reproductive performance of buffaloes.
Two preliminary consecutive surveys were implemented using the nitroprussed test in winter and summer to reveal incidence rate of ketosis among the Egyptian buffaloes. Results of the survey showed no positive readings from the milk sample in winter or summer. Only 10% of the urine samples were slightly positive for the winter test while, in summer survey, urine sample exihibited a positive resultes in dry buffaloes (39.8 %) but not in lactating ones.
A number of 25 subclinically dry ketotic buffaloes were divided into 5 groups and treated during pre and post-partum periods with niacin (N, 12 g/head/day), niacin and molasses (N+M), dexamethazone (D, 40 mg/head/wk), high energy grain corn silage (S, 15 kg/head/day), subclinically ketotic buffaloes as non- treated group (Control) in addition to healthy group (non-ketotic). Estimates of milk production, milk fat %, milk protein %, blood metabolic profile and reproductive efficiency parameters were recorded for the experimental groups.
Daily milk yield was reduced in nontreated buffaloes in comparision with that of the healthy group ( 6.34 vs. 7.55 kg/ay). There were no significant differences in milk productivity or its composition of fat and protein between the studied groups. Average milk yield /day was the highest in the S fed group, D and N treated groups which were comparable with productivity of the healthy group. Milk fat % was the highest in the healthy group and S fed group whereas milk protein% was greater in D, N and the S fed groups.
Post-partum differences between groups in plasma total lipids, calcium and thyroid hormones concentrations as well as enzymatic activities were significant. On the other hand, no significant differences were detected in concentrations of blood proteins, glucose, cholesterol, creatine and blood urea nitrogen between the experimental groups. Silage fed group maintained significantly its blood content of glucose, calcium, phosphorus, creatine, creatinine and thyroid hormones at post-partum period.
Plasma content of cholesterol, creatine and creatinine were higher in the healthy group at post-partum period than treated groups (P < 0.05) while, the control group showed the least estimes of both creatine and creatinine.
Generally, the healthy group of buffaloes showed no difference than subketotic nontreated group in reproductive parameters. Silage feeding relatively reduced the number of services/conception, service period and consequently calving interval in comparison with the healthy or treated groups. Onset of the first ovulation tended to be delayed in D treated buffaloes.

Key words: Ketosis, buffaloes, milk production, metabolism, reproduction.
Publication year 2000
Pages 97p.
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number 700
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Buffalo Breeding Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Reproduction
Ketosis. Metabolism. Milk production. Parturition. Reproduction. Water buffaloes.
Publication Type Master Thesis